Monday, July 30, 2007

Rebel Nester

I have watched my boss walk back and forth about 15 times today, and I am still choosing to blog. I feel rebellious and justified. I feel like every want I have, I will satisfy it, so that is why I am blogging with an Arnold Palmer (half lemonade, half ice tea) and these great blueberry fig newtons next to me.
I had a great weekend. I have read that the days before a woman starts to menstruate, she partakes in "nesting behavior". I felt a comfort in discovering this, because I have noticed this in myself. I actually ran myself a bit ragged going through boxes, making piles, making lists, packing stuff away, and building a pile in the middle of the bedroom (because if a pile is there, and all is moved away from the walls, we will surely get the painting done, right?). I also nurtured myself by re-potting a cyclamen and trimming the raspberry bushes. It felt good to have earth-dirty hands and knees, sun-inspired sweat, and even a few raspberry-thorn claw marks on my arms (I am not a cutter!). I even made the decision to remove one of the bushes come fall and try planting something else there in the spring (green pepper plant???). When I opened the garage door to put the potting soil back, I re-discovered an old dresser that came from my husband's grandpa's house. I stared at it for a second, closed the garage door, started to lock it, and then realized that it was absolutely perfect for our living room. I dragged it out myself and somehow carried it to the backyard. It WILL be perfect once I sand and paint it. I am determined to do this in the next couple weeks. I purposely set it very close to the backdoor so it's an inconvenience. Ha! I'm so good at tricking myself.
Let me say this; I LOVE reusing. I love that we (life mate and I) are ok with just moving furniture around versus buying new and moremoremore. I love that this dusty dresser will fit in, and look totally cool, in our living room. I love it.
This evening, we are going to go through our old VHS's and make more piles. I think I can safely say that I won't miss Fatherhood. It always made me feel uncomfortable. We will, however, never hand off this educational (?) anti-sex video I received in the 8th grade. We still pop that in when friends come by. I have a feeling our friends may be getting some rectangular gifts for Xmas. *laugh track*

1 comment:

Large said...

I do the same thing! Don't let your boss bring you down, blog if you wish!