Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I had a shiatsu session last night with Ben. He's really good. Everyone will have a different opinion of "good" when it comes to bodywork, depending on what they need and the energy they exchange with the other person and the atmosphere around them. It seemed like the topic was breathing. During our intake, I told Ben how I had been very uncomfortable the day before with cramps and how I tried to breathe through them. I tried to go into the pain and smooth it out with my breath, my energy. This lead to a discussion on "child's breath", and how children breathe, naturally, from their abdomen, and how we, as we become adults, seem to breathe from higher up. Any breath is good, but we can easily forget how to just breath.
Breathing is something I am trying to work on, mindful breathing, that is. When I catch myself thinking tense (not necessarily negative) thoughts, I take into consideration how I am holding my body. Often times, my chest and upper back are elevated, almost stuck, in place. I want to focus on Dropping my breath and Gathering my breath from my deepest core, letting my abdomen fill and expand, and then it can slowly move up and out.
Something else that helps when I notice tension in my shoulders and neck is to bunch it all up, TIGHT, and then Whooooooooooooo.......let it all out and feel how your shoulders just loosen....

It's all in the breath.

I might start attending a Qi Gong class on Thursday evenings. I had an introductory course in school, but even though I found it helpful, I just wasn't "in the mood". You know how that goes with classes. You can love it, but it's still something you have to go to (and pay for) and work at. I know breathing and moving energy is natural, but I think I need some guidance with it. Also, how wonderful to be in a room full of people who want to breathe deeper? I could use that positive energy.
It's something I'd like to do, but I often have clients on Thursday evenings. We'll see. Perhaps I need a sign.

I have been quite aware of my tendency towards anger, irritation, and cattiness these days. It's draining and I know I need to...breathe differently. I watch my husband, and he seems to breathe from his abdomen. He is much more laid back than me, and even though I'm glad for that, it makes me feel that I carry a heavier "load". I don't really believe this to be true, I just think he can let things go easier??? Is this a female vs. male sort of tendency?
I need to go back to the basics (I don't know if I have ever really been there).

Today is Mindful Breathing Day for me.

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

This is a good focus to have!! Good luck with the breathing today.

I think it's a male/female thing. I was just upset at my husband the other day because I felt like I have more on my mind than he does....! Worries, financial matters, etc. I should learn from him, I suppose, but at the same time...: If NOBODY has certain things on his/her mind, then how will those things get taken care of???
Hmmm. I need to go breathe now. :)