Thursday, October 11, 2007


A dear friend of mine has inspired me today to write about three good things. She completed her day with her list, but I think I need to start my day with it...

1) Rousing my dog awake. He is like a teenager in the morning, you sometimes have to physically move him around to make him get up. I love how he stretches a big, long stretch, and then, is instantly awake and smiles at you. That dog loves me.

2) Knowing my co-worker/friend is feeling really great today after her first yoga session last night. I'm so proud of her! She has been doing WW to lose weight, has lost 10 lbs, is eating better, and now wants to start exercising. She has been very positive lately, and looks forward to studying yogi theory. Seeing her health improve has made me very happy.

3) Having a moment of "I can choose how I will feel today", and believing it. I have been having dark, negative thoughts lately, and I really don't know why. I decided to think about things that make me, naturally, just happier, and it worked. There is no need to darken my days when there is so much light out there!

Ok, here's another list; Things That Make Me Happy (Naturally)

1) doing bodywork
2) my nieces
3) my dog's expressions
4) stretching. I love stretching.
5) fruit
6) laughter (I work with some people that have the BEST laugh ever. Ever.)

Thanks, Laura, this really does help. I need to remember this. Really, I have so much good in my life!

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

You're welcome. You usually inspire me, so I'm glad I could return the favor!