Thursday, October 25, 2007

Not quite outside of it

I wish I could give my sister a perfect life to make having and raising her son easier. I keep thinking that money could really solve her problems, but money won't make her any healthier (except for eliminating some stress). She probably won' t be attending school in September for nursing because of limitations with her childcare and budget cuts. She is already a welfare mother and her child isn't even born yet. It saddens me to think that many people view her as a stereotypical statistic, even though I know she is trying her best.
I am fighting the urge to be simplistic, but, really, if everyone was just a little bit NICER things could be better for her, and for many others.

I must end on a positive note...that little boy will have plenty of love, and maybe he will be what brings our family together, or brings about some changes. He has already made his mother a better person, and he doesn't even know it!

I never could have expected these things that have shaped me. My acupuncturist is constantly reminding me that we are no longer the person we were a moment ago. Isn't that something?!?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Reflecting on Yesterday

I had a really terrific Sunday. My husband got up early to go biking and I had eggs and bacon ready for him when he returned. I absolutely love scrambled eggs with cheese and salsa. I also made bacon and had red grapes. Oh yum. The dreariness outside gave me permission to stay in, cook foods I enjoy, do laundry, move some plants in from outside (the poor things should have been moved weeks ago!), have sex, arrange books on a bookshelf in "to read", "borrowed", "favorites", and "bible" piles. We don't have a pile of bibles, we have three, but I do feel the need to keep that pile separate from "erotica" section. It's just a thing I have.
I also had a brand new client in the late afternoon, so that was fun and it went really well. I enjoy Sunday afternoon clients at my house. It has always been a circumstance where the weather is perfect for having a shiatsu done (wait, when isn't the weather perfect for that!?!). The teens who have been yelling up and down our street even decided to postpone the cursing until the session was over. I was very appreciative. I might give them a treat for that one.
The day was concluded with dinner (squash, potatoes, and venison sausage), Family Guy, early bed time (this is so rare!), and a nice orgasm.
Oh, goodness, it was pretty.
Like a perfect dollop of whipped cream on a brownie sundae.

There is much to be said for days filled with things that make you feel happy. Whether it is because you are productive, or with people you love, or just because you allowed yourself to do absolutely nothing at all, those days, those moments are gifts. *smile*

Thursday, October 11, 2007


A dear friend of mine has inspired me today to write about three good things. She completed her day with her list, but I think I need to start my day with it...

1) Rousing my dog awake. He is like a teenager in the morning, you sometimes have to physically move him around to make him get up. I love how he stretches a big, long stretch, and then, is instantly awake and smiles at you. That dog loves me.

2) Knowing my co-worker/friend is feeling really great today after her first yoga session last night. I'm so proud of her! She has been doing WW to lose weight, has lost 10 lbs, is eating better, and now wants to start exercising. She has been very positive lately, and looks forward to studying yogi theory. Seeing her health improve has made me very happy.

3) Having a moment of "I can choose how I will feel today", and believing it. I have been having dark, negative thoughts lately, and I really don't know why. I decided to think about things that make me, naturally, just happier, and it worked. There is no need to darken my days when there is so much light out there!

Ok, here's another list; Things That Make Me Happy (Naturally)

1) doing bodywork
2) my nieces
3) my dog's expressions
4) stretching. I love stretching.
5) fruit
6) laughter (I work with some people that have the BEST laugh ever. Ever.)

Thanks, Laura, this really does help. I need to remember this. Really, I have so much good in my life!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Every Other Day

About a year ago, I started to wash my hair every other day. My goal was to cut down on shower time and train my oil glands to produce less oil, thus resulting in a happier planet and healthier hair.
Today was a non-shampoo day, and today my hair stinks. It smells of unwashed hair and Ragstock. A warehouse Ragstock, not a mall or Duluth Ragstock. Musty and full of individuals who don't shower because they don't f*cking want to.
I think I'll go clip it back, away from my face.

Does she think I'm trying to steal her husband?

Questions I ask myself that could turn into a mediocre blog entry:

1. What are the rules for being friends with your male co-workers?
2. Can a straight guy and a straight girl be Just Friends?

Ok, it's obvious that this subject has been plaguing me lately. I have been friends with my male co-workers for years. We work together, talk about life outside of work, lend each other movies, text each other, and, I have even attended the church one of my male co-workers and wife attend. Until recently, I have never felt this to be an issue. I still don't feel it is, but I feel like it might be for the wife of a co-worker. This woman knows me; I've been to her home, she's worked in the same building as me during the busier times, and I felt that we had gotten to know each other better. If I'm going to be completely honest, I had felt a strange vibe from her the first time we met, but I thought I was being paranoid. The thing is, I certainly do not want to cause any problems, but I do want to be able to be Just Friends with the guys I work with. Will I address the issue with either the male co-worker or his wife...nooooooo way.
Another male co-worker, with whom I am close to and trust more than anyone else at work, has said many times (not about his particular situation) "Guys can't be friends with girls", to which I responded, "You're my friend", and he goes "Yes. True. We don't text though."
So, I guess it really has to do with the level you are at in your friendship. I email this guy, but since I don't text him, it's still Just Friends activity. I have, however, drove his drunk a** home at midnight.
The major indicator for why I think the Woman of male co-worker has an issue with me, is because when I walked into his office one day and started talking about work, her voice came over the speaker phone (he didn't indicate he was in mid-conversation with her), and she said "Since your girlfriend is there, I'll let you go" and HUNG UP. Perhaps they had been fighting, or maybe she was just irritated, but eeeee....I apologized and he didn't seem concerned, except for saying, "That's fine, let her wonder"...uh, no, let's not. He was joking though, so this tells me that I'm being overly sensitive.
I don't want to be "that" woman, but I also still work here and will be friends with these people. My husband thinks the Woman is just dumb, and more than likely, they were having other issues and I just walked in at a bad time. Still.

Can a guy and girl be Just Friends, especially if both guy and girl are already in a relationship, and this other person comes along AFTER the first relationship has been formed? Is it different when you work with them? Does age make a difference?

Is life just really too short to dwell on a topic like this? Probably. I'm bored with this entry, I apologize if you are as well.