Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New and Old Things I've Recently Enjoyed

(Woohoo-look at me, look at me! Posting AGAIN in August!)

-Adele (pronounced "A Doll") I like her sound and she's cute as a button.
-The thought of eating a corn dog, but not actually doing so.
-York Peppermint Patties
-smoothies (bananas, raspberries, OJ, ice, and vanilla yogurt)
-Pineapple Express. The movie. But if anyone can get their hands on the variety, I'd be game.
-Not wearing underwear.
-The smell of a conference room after many different people have been in it-the mix of fragrances has been invigorating.
-Wearing dresses and bike shorts.
-Planning cleaning projects for my home.
-BUST magazine. Always and Forever.

Um, I know I'm deviating from my Dash List, but I was most flattered this weekend when a young woman told me that I look like Regina Spektor. F*cking THANK YOU!


Laura B. said...

I REALLY love your lists!

I have forgotten about BUST. What a tragedy. It's fantastic. Thanks for the reminder!

Adele the singer?

I'm glad you're writing on here again :)

lprimus said...

Thank you! Yes, Adele (I'm 99.9% sure I spelled her name correctly) the singer. She does a great cover of "To Make You Feel My Love". She's sweet.